This article is about exercise myths that lots of people still believe. But for you it is important to know what is right or what is wrong.

Exercise Myths

Aerobic exercise is essential to your well being. Mental as well as physical. Since we know cardio workouts are vital for a strong healthy heart and lungs.

Frankly, the most important thing is to begin. Then take it slow. Make exercise a habit since once you are into the exercise habit it will be easier to maintain your routine. Do that and viola - your fitness will improve.

Then too you are more apt to stick with activities you enjoy. And think are good for you. It is a mental thing?

So it does not help if you are haunted by exercise myths running around your head. Exercise myths that can stand between you and success.

You might like to read about Daily Ab Workout Routine.

Here are 10 to dismiss immediately if not sooner! 

 1) Exercise turns fat into muscle.

 2) If you are exercising and not losing weight, you are doing something wrong.

 3) Weight training will make you muscle bound.

 4) It is best to exercise in the morning.

 5) Exercise will injure you.

 6) You need extra salt after sweating heavily.

 7) I need to drink Gatorade when I lift weights to give me energy.

 8) Exercise machines are more effective than free weights.

 9) Sit-ups will help you lose fat around your stomach.

 10) You should eat more protein if you are trying to increase muscle mass.

None of these are true. They are all myths.

Ignore them who just like to mutter. Stay positive for ever in your life. Expect success every time. Expect to be fit. And you will achieve it.

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