How Many Calories in a Pound of Fat?

Calories pound of fat? Carol couldn't get the question out of her head. She just knew there had to be a logical way quick weight loss would add up. And she is right. It all starts with knowing the "calories pound of fat" formula Or "How many calories equals a pound of fat?"

How Many Calories In A Pound

Here's the answer

3500 Calories = Pound of Fat

It all boils down to "3500 calories to a pound of fat".

Ugly fat. Jiggly fat, Unsightly fat, And who wants that. Understand how many calories in a pound?

So burn the simple "3500 calories pound of fat" phrase into the brain cells.

Okay now, what? 

Well, let's look at how to get rid of that fat.

Cut 3500 Calories Lose Pound of Fat.

Now you could focus on reducing your calorie intake by 3500 calories a week. That's certainly one way to go.

Check this magical way of Eat Sleep & Burn fats

But it is actually better if you do this instead. What you need to do is combine lower calorie intake with a higher calorie burn. That is if you want to lose a pound of fat a week, you need to combine reducing and/or burning off 3500 calories.

That's not so hard, now is it?

You see, to lose a pound of fat a week you need to create a calorie deficit of about 3500 calories. A pound of fat disappears for every 3500 calories you burn or avoid - in other words.

But instead of 3500 calories per week let us narrow it down to 500 per day. Eliminating 500 calories a day by combining a low-fat diet and exercise means you'll lose a pound of fat each week.

I hope you understand how many calories in a pound? Learn how to lose 10 Pound in 7 days

Plus you get another benefit. With exercise comes more muscle tone. And did you know that for every pound of muscle you add fifty extra calories are burned every day?

So you're losing weight even when you sleep! Well, it is true. More muscle by itself generates more metabolic activity which requires more calories.