How To Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems

Tips on how to solve your child's sleep problems and help you both sleep through the night

Lisa was a mum for the first time and looking forward to bringing baby James home to meet his family. The medical staff at the hospital suggested that she feeds James on demand to ensure that he got adequate nutrition.

He cried frequently normally around every 1 .5 to 2 hours throughout the day and night! Within a few weeks, Lisa was exhausted due to her baby sleep problems.

These kinds of sleep problems with babies are very common – and mostly due to a lack of a sensible routine. This article will give you simple things to concentrate on that will help eliminate those problems and help your baby get a good night’s sleep.

Babies Sleep Problem

The most important and necessary needs that a baby must-have are food and sleep in addition to the love of their family. A  new baby needs 16 to 20 hours of sleep and needs to eat every few hours.

Once the baby is around  6 or 7 weeks old you may be surprised to learn that a healthy baby can sleep without problems for 7 hours during the night – giving you some much-needed rest.


Routine the key to success. Learn from these top tips for preventing sleep problems in babies.

1. Ensure the baby gets plenty of feeds during the day – otherwise, he/she will wake up hungry more often at night.

2. Lay the baby to sleep in their own cot in a dark room – if you expect him/her to sleep anywhere and everywhere to suit you baby sleep problems are likely to develop.

3. The “startle” reflex in newborns is another cause. New babies benefit from tight swaddling otherwise they often wake themselves by startling. However, you must remember to loosen the swaddling as the baby reaches a few months of age.

4. If the baby is sleeping too much during the day, you may choose to wake him/her by opening the curtains and loosening the swaddling and talking to him. If he/she gets too many hours of sleep during the day, you can’t be surprised if the baby has sleep problems and wants to be awake most of the night!

5. The baby must learn to settle back to sleep after half-awakening during their sleep cycles at night. If he/she wakes when not needing a feed, try to settle him/her by soft talking/patting gently rather than picking him/her up and cuddling them to sleep.

When you feed the baby at night, if he/she falls asleep at the breast or bottle, gently half-wake him/her before putting the baby in the cot, so he/she goes to sleep in the cot rather than being placed in it fast asleep.

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Otherwise, when he/she half-wakes during the night he/she could be confused and uncertain where they are, which will lead to a disturbed sleep pattern for you. Eventually, he/she will know and learn that he/she can get to sleep themselves rather than needing you.

6. As soon as you start weening, don’t reduce baby’s milk intake too quickly, or else he/she will start waking up more at night again because of hunger.

Lisa’s story had a happy ending – but not before James was several months old and his sleep problem was so bad that his parents were driving him around the clock in the car to get him to sleep at night!

It was a painful lesson for Lisa and her husband, but once they planned and stuck to a regular routine, James was able to learn to sleep through the night without problems.

Still, if you think that you are not able to solve your child's sleep problems and looking for an instant solution then click here.

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